Remembrance Wall
I hate that this tribute has to exist. And yet it serves as an incredibly sobering reminder of the power of #PerinatalMoodandAnxietyDisorders (#pmads) and how your brain is altered. It’s hard to admit that I should be on this wall. BUT GOD. 

I have an incredible tribe that came around me and ensured I survived. But it shouldn’t take a team of people working day in and day out to help keep me safe, advocate when I was too sick to care, consult with my doctors, fight with the insurance company, etc. This is how these disorders can spiral so quickly. That’s how it did for me. It was a breath away from being too late all because access to treatment is so severely limited. For the NUMBER ONE COMPLICATION OF CHILDBIRTH! This is why I have become so vocal. This is why I won’t stop advocating. Because we can’t keep losing Moms to this! 

Thank you, 2020 Mom, for remembering these warrior women and respecting the battles they endured.