Before Olivia was born, I was told that my life would forever be changed for the better as I felt this bond and incredible love for the tiny human I created. But what happens when you don’t feel that? I had to be a monster! As time went on without feeling any connection to her, I felt more and more that I was undeserving of this beautiful blessing we had prayed for. I felt so alone and fell so deep. And when things became scary, they did so very, very quickly. Unbeknownst to
—This form is the first step toward receiving the infusion. If you do not know where a REMS center is, or don’t have a psychiatric prescriber, ANY provider can fill out Section B and C of the Provider’s page, and then you can mark the box to have Sage Therapeutics work with you to find a REMS certified Healthcare Setting. That facility will then have a psychiatrist prescribe the infusion, should you fit the criteria.
I’m happy to help you with any of this. I did not have a psychiatrist to prescribe. However, my OB filled out the referring provider portion so I could become enrolled, and Sage helped me from there (I filled out the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and took it with me). And the Sage Central Navigators are just fantastic!! We called them so frequently during the process, and even after, and they were always so kind and helpful. So utilize them!