There were so many “I should” statements standing in my way of getting treatment. Being a provider, I took it to an even higher level; as if, having knowledge would somehow preclude me from suffering PMADs. But that is what my mind told me…. I should be able to do this because I knew better. What an asinine statement. And yet, my mind made it sound so rational when it was anything but.
Postpartum Support International is a huge reason I knew that I could get help. They are tireless in their efforts to connect Mamas to resources. Thank you, PSI.
If you aren’t familiar with their organization, take some time to look through their website and all it has to offer.
“Why is asking for help so hard?
So many times we fear that asking for help means that we are relinquishing some of our control. It can also bring up feelings of shame, like “I should be able to do this all by myself.” Or we might not want to be a burden to a people around us. But getting help is one of the bravest things we can do for ourselves and for the people around us.
Here is how to get better at asking for help Start small. Asking for help with smaller things will help build the muscle of asking.
Reframe how you think about help. Rather than thinking about it as a failure or burden, asking for help means that you care enough about yourself to want to make things work in your favor.
Build a network of people around you that you trust. These people are your support system and can be the first people that you reach out to. But it doesn’t have to stop there.
Sometimes reaching out to support groups, professionals, or an organization can be more comforting than reaching out to people you already know.
Identify what you need or want (a hug, someone to talk to, help with children, help with work, laundry, grocery shopping)
Remember that no one does it alone and no one is meant to do it all alone.
The most important thing to remember is that this is a skill that can be built over time. It’s okay to feel vulnerable when asking for help but don’t let that stop you.
It is brave to ask for help. It is brave to need help. It is brave to get help.”
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