Moving…. Again…?!
One year ago today we got our keys to our Idahome! I told everybody to update their address books because we were never moving again….. Well, that little part about “not moving again”…. I lied. Lol. We are 6 days into escrow and signed all the paperwork yesterday for a new lot and build. We will be apartment living with Olivia and the pups for the next several months. 

2020 has been the hardest year of our lives. But it has also been full of blessings and miracles. No matter what struggles you are enduring, remain faithful, my friends. Always look to Jesus. He is always there. When I was drowning in darkness, he sat in it with me. When my mind told me my life should end, he breathed life into me for a moment that was long enough to give me pause and make me rest instead. We aren’t promised a life without struggles, but we are promised to not have to endure that alone. The world is a scary place right now. Fix your eyes on Him. 

And if you would like to help us pack and move a couple more times, we won’t say no!