“… pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
-James 5:16, NIV
Thank you all so much for the prayers, support, and check-ins. I am now 48 hours post-op and doing pretty good. On Wed morning, I went back for surgery at 7:15am. I had my endometriosis excised, my appendix removed (due to the endometriosis), a total hysterectomy (due to adenomyosis, but sparing the ovaries), and a couple other procedures. It was a lot and those first 24 hours were incredibly difficult. We were struggling to get my pain managed. But we were also struggling to get my vitals stabilized. My O2 saturation was in the low 80s, and sometimes 70s, until Wed evening, my respiratory rate and heart rate kept dropping, and we could not get my blood pressure up. It was measuring right around 88/54 fairly consistently, sometimes lower, until yesterday afternoon. It finally got into the 90s, so I was able to go home. I know the power of prayer helped all those things get back toward baseline, as well as helped my pain become more manageable. I also know that God answered many prayers regarding my mental health. After the panic attack at my pre-op appointment, I was obviously quite worried about what my mind might do. But nothing happened! I felt incredibly calm and full of peace. And I know that was only a peace that God can give. So again, thank you all so much. It honestly makes me tear up to know, and to have felt, you all were praying for me. 

I’m happy to be home in my own bed, but am obviously uncomfortable and fatigued. I know that part will take awhile. I am so grateful to have lots of family support as I am not supposed to life anything over 20 lbs for 6 weeks….. Side note…. Olivia weighs 21 lbs. 

So I will be taking volunteers over the next several weeks! 

Seriously though, thank you all. I am so blessed by my friends and family.